Latest Results
Two separate tracks run today as practice for the event we’re running next weekend at…
Busy and exciting race meet again today with a fun track with speed and challenges…
An exciting twist on our speed track from earlier in the year – adding in…
Because everyone loved this track design, and a few racers missed out last session, we…
For this first time this week we’re running a series of races using all 3…
First race meet of the year. Inspired by the speed challenge at the Nationals, this…
Last race of the year and totally awesome circuit designed by Jamie Z – Click…
Heading into the final couple of races for 2018…. Click on the class names for…
The track last week was like so much that we decided to run it again!!! …
Click on the class names for FULL results! Box Class Winner was Tavia- awesome racing!…
Back to our normal schedule this week! Click on the class names for FULL results!…
Slightly postponed session this week since our hall was in use the week before. Despite…
We had some early challenges with the track design this week which saw a number…
Another great race meeting – with record entrants for Box car class (30 racers!) this…
First session in our new home and it was an awesome day – we actually…
11 August 2018 A great and busy session – we only had time to run…